Use Hot Zones and some tips to improve your shooting in NBA 2K24

 The first season is coming to an end. Through the testing of different NBA 2K24 Accounts, players have discovered a way to significantly improve their shooting percentage in the game: to maximize the use of Hot Zones and combine it with some game skills.

Hot Zones can effectively improve players' shooting performance. When players shoot in Hot Zones, players can obtain different levels of increases according to different green windows. In the center of the green window, a 5 to 7 percent boost can be obtained, while at the late edges, this boost can reach 20 to 25 percent.

How to obtain Hot Zones effectively?

Different players have different Hot Zones. Before starting the game, you need to understand the Hot Zones of the main shooter and practice shooting in the corresponding Hot Zones.

If you are not satisfied with the existing Hot Zones, you can get Hot Zones through career mode or park mode. These are free. No need to buy MT 2k24. It only takes some time. In addition, you can also go to sunset, play disco, and get your hot zones. Apart from the slow progress, there are no other problems.

Also available through Gatorade. Players compete in 1v1 matches on the Gatorade court. Players can focus on specific areas for continuous practice and turn the areas most suitable for shooting into your Hot Zones, which can further improve your hot spots. This method is faster and more efficient than traditional methods.

Some players are also worried about whether Hot Zones will remain if they lose the game. According to the calculations of the system, you will lose Hot Zones only when you miss many shots. Losing in the game will not directly cause you to lose Hot Zones.

Better zones than Hot Zones

A better area than Hot Zones is Lethal Zones. As you can see from the name, this area is very dangerous, and the improvement in shooting is even more significant.

Being on the early edge of the green window can increase returns by up to 50%. However, obtaining the lethal zone is more challenging. Players can only upgrade to the lethal zone once per week by visiting the Art of Shooting gym. After you get the right Hot Zones, if you want to get a bigger improvement, the next step is to convert them into Lethal Zones, which is very important for the game.

Perfect your jump shot mix.

After you complete the above preparations, the next step is to improve your Jump Shot to make it more perfect in the game. Players can choose different jump shot combinations in the game or define a unique jump shot themselves. The correct jump shot combination can greatly improve a player's shooting percentage. If you don't have a mature plan for these combinations yet, you can try. The recommended jump shot combination includes Ben Shephard, Sadik Bay, and Paul George with an 80 /20 blend at full release speed.

Game Tips

  • Always activate your takeover to make shooting easier.
  • Use the triple-threat cheese to confuse your opponents.
  • Master the speed glitch to dribble faster and glide around the court.
  • Utilize the snatch to Nutmeg move for stylish finishes.

Understanding and mastering the game mechanics of NBA 2K24 can greatly improve the player's scoring efficiency during the game and can dominate the opponent on the court by changing the previous game style. Even if you are an experienced player, mastering a few skills can improve your gaming experience during matches.

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